Friday, September 01, 2006

The party after the party...

Antonio, Megan, John and I watched the celebrated fireworks display that takes place every June, 23rd in recognition of Florence's patron saint. St. John! Afterwards, Antonio ran into Andrea and Pasquale, friends of his and we all went together for something to eat and drink.

Andrea is an Artist, Antonio an Archictect, Pasquale a Philosopher, John...has studied everything and he drives me nuts, but I love him! These people are all so accomplished. Then there was Megan and I, just regular students studying abroad or so they thought. Think about the kind of mind Megan must have as the daughter of a philosopher, and then there is "Me", whatever I am. I had just finished studying under the guidance of Dr. Lee, on Kantian philosophy. Pasquale catches on pretty fast that I could discuss Kant on some level with him and then the real fun begins. We were up until about 5:30 am, in discussion. Pasquale in the picture above sits next to me and warns me that philosophy is a sickness for him. Well...isn't it for anyone who is serious about it! Antonio served as a formidable translator, and I managed to hold Pasquale for several hours. Pasquale and I continued to have dialogue over the next few weeks. Very challenging discussions for both of us! Some of the best fun and excitement...very stimulating, think of the symposium, yes...there was wine by the craters! camera starts getting goofy, so some of the pictures that I post take on some bizarre effects, but I like some of them! I hope you enjoy them!


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