Monday, August 28, 2006

Our Last day in Lecture with Dr. Medicus

It was a quiet last day in Florence maybe because we were so tired. We didn't do much walking and an early dismissal from lecture so the students could pack for home. We finally got to go to Orsan Michele, the first place I visited on my own in Florence, on my first night in the city. I sat on the steps with Eireann, a student I met from our group who had arrived early in Florence also. She was a delightful young woman, energetic and full of interesting ideas. We really clicked! We discussed everything like sisters would in just a few short hours. We had no idea where we really were and it seemed so appropriate to end our last day visiting Orsan Michele, especially since it was the first place I visited when I entered the city.

We continued on to Museo di Palazzo Davanzati, a 14th c nobile families home. I wondered at this point and sadly, not until the last lecture something I should have considered much earlier in my studies. Where did the lower classes live? How did they live? Everywhere we had visited on this trip was of powerful nobile families, rich princely courts and powerful citizens and stately Villas. I had been so awestruck with the wealth and the pomp that I myself had forgotten to ask questions that seem so obvious to me now.


"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."
George Santayana


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