Friday, August 18, 2006

La Vita Notturna a Firenze...

Uffizi Galleria, the largest warehouse of high art anywhere in the world looking towards the Palazzo Vecchio home to the Medici Court. Machiavelli and other great minds worked in and out of the Palazzo Vecchio while the Medici were in power.

Photograph taken on the Ponte Vecchio around midnight.

The evenings in Firenze were always so interesting to me. I enjoyed going out at night after dinner for a walk to the Ponte Vecchio, or for gelato with friends or for a glass of wine. Across from the Uffizi Galleria I could usually find musicians, dancers, mime, or other students to hang out with for a couple of hours. I met people from all walks of life, colorful and eclectic artists, writers, students, a lot of professors and I am sure I spoke to one or two criminals. The air always felt lighter at night and people were usually in a very jovial mood, perhaps it was just the Chianti working on them at that hour of the night. It seemed that I attracted people that wanted to discuss politics or American culture. I was told how unsophisticated and uncultivated we Americans are but I had a response for the fiftyish female who claimed she was a German fashion designer. Who the heck was she kidding, German fashion? Yeah…Right! And I am an heiress to a rather large fortune. I responded the only way I knew how with someone so very narrow minded with "We are cultivated enough to know not to insult complete strangers”, so much for making friends with the Germans", I am kidding! I was very charitable to her, much more than she deserved.

My feelings are not that easily hurt but this lady was brutal, really! The problem with this gal was that she was waif thin, trying to continue to fit into her beautiful German designed clothing. Hmm... Oh the pressures of starving oneself to wear prêt a porter silk has just gotten the best of her and I know French design work when I see it…German, my eye! The poor thing was just plain hungry and mean spirited, she was looking to fight with someone and I just happened to be the lucky soul! I am not goaded that easily into a fight. I was warned about her by the owners of the little haunt that I went to for my favorite Vino Nobile. I figured I would drink the best wine I could afford. It helped me to sleep so much better, really! The Italian pharmacists perscribed it for what ailed me. No, I wasn't homesick...I roomed with five wild girls that didn't let me sleep and there is a lot of noise on the streets at all hours of the night, mostly scooters that would have benefited from an exhaust pipe! Mamma Mia!


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