Sunday, August 06, 2006

Gondola at Night

This photo was taken at night after our group dinner. There was enough funds left over to pay for the gondola ride. There were slight traffic jams where canals were more narrow. It was an eery sound moving through the water so slowly. The pictures turned out which surprised me.


Blogger Linda said...

akd....Dr. Medicus splurged on us because we had the extra money in the kitty at this point in our trip. I would never have spent the 80+ euro for each gondola.

Besides, I would have bargained for a better price since we took four gondolas in one shot. I can be a pretty awesome negotiator!

Have you ever thought when something happens that wasn't so pleasant that you would reflect on it and it would be funny? Well.. this happened to me and it still isn't least not yet! I actually ran out of money in Venice..not funny, at all, with still a week to go in classes. Remember I stayed over an additional two weeks after my classes ended. I had enough money for my trip till about Venice but monies from my loans were to transfer> No problem that would be fine! Until it didn't happen! The money I borrowed through student loans didn't transfer until I arrived back into the US mid July. If it hadn't been for Lucca at the mercato, I would have been even thinner when I returned home. He really helped me out and I am thankful for his kindness and willingness to help me. I had done my shopping in the same little market in Florence so they knew me at least a little bit and didn't want me to go hungry. Italians like when you eat and I noticed how willing they were to make sure I had enough food. Giovanni thank you for saving me and depositing money into my checking acct. and for showing up in Florence for some fun. Kent bursars and fin aid had in essence left one of their students stranded in a foreign country..didn't matter to them! No logical explanation was ever given to me as to why this happened. There was no excuse for this as I had taken care of 'every detail' regarding funds before I left for New York. Crazy or lazy idiots...the conversations that took place between Florence Italy via my cell phone and the little bursar and fin aid office were a bit unbelievable. They missed their chance to redeem themselves in my book. Life or should I say events are pretty can try your hardest to be about business, crossing your t's and dotting your i's and you just never know what you will still have to deal with in spite of your efforts to be responsible and upright. It all worked out and I learned just how resourceful I could be so far from home. I really only had to overcome my pride and ask for a helping hand..not something I am terribly good at sometimes. Its great to help others but I am learning that sometimes I need a little help too! humbling..but true!

2:55 PM  

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